Go Green – Eco Urban Festival 7th June
See highlights from last year. This year’s events to follow…
Wednesday7th June
Haringey Clean Air People’s Assembly
Local citizens are running a Haringey-wide Clean Air people’s assembly on 3rd October, 2 to 4pm.
The aims are:
raise awareness of the health issues for all whilst recognising different perspectives and concerns;
actively engage the community in learning and decision-making;
suggest actions for the council to consider;
provide a model for deliberative community engagement (on and off Zoom) which the council and others could roll out across the borough, in wards and smaller neighbourhoods, to create engagement in Haringey’s Climate Plan
Please join and publicise
Litter Pick Chesnuts Park last Friday
Litter Pick Chestnuts Park St Ann’s Road Tottenham
Good turnout 12 volunteers, including Little people, for the litter pick. It was a great, great success!
11:00 – 12:00 Accessing Green Homes Grants Online Workshop
Did you know that the Government is giving grants to house owners and landlords to improve the energy efficiency of homes?
The government will provide a voucher that covers up to two thirds of the cost of qualifying improvements to your home. The maximum value of the voucher is £5,000.
So if you are thinking of installing insulation or low carbon heating in your house this might be for you.
Go Green Eco Urban Life Festival On line is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Green Homes Grant Workshop
Time: Sep 27, 2020 11:00 am London
Register using the eventbrite link below
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 8087 4012
More information on scheme here : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/apply-for-the-green-homes-grant-scheme
Need to Know
Tree of Eternal Life
African & Caribbean Holistic Health and Wellbeing Store
It might feel counter-intuitive to start a business during the coronavirus lockdown, but COVID-19 has created new opportunities for entrepreneurs to explore alternative industries.
Montu shares his vision and determination by building a business which states
” We aim to Heal All” offering natural affordable health solutions for individuals in person and online.