M.O.B My Own Business
Chillaxations CIC/ Lupus Hub CIC. Business owner Celena McDaniel
When did you start your business?
Chillaxations CIC-2017
Lupus Hub CIC- 2023
Why did you start your business?
I started my businesses after being diagnosed with Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus (S.L.E) in 2000. This led me to create Chillaxations, a plant-based
skincare company, and The Lupus Hub, a support group for the BAME community.
What training was required?
I completed an essential oil business short course, and a BA/BSc Open Degree
focused on health and biological sciences in 2016. Additionally, I have 37 years of personal experience with lupus, starting from my sister’s diagnosis in 1987.
Your typical day at work?
Heeheehee!.. A ‘typical day’ truly doesn’t exist when living with lupus. There are
days when I feel relatively energetic enough to be up and out for around half
a day, however, there are many more days where I’ll be working from bed due to fatigue and/or joint pain.
I am a night owl by default, so I tend to get a lot of work done then. I have the good fortune of working with some wonderfully supportive people, including my Son, Uncle, Godson, and some really good friends. I could not do this without their help; they are all an absolute blessing!
Challenges in the business?
My fatigue can cause inconsistency in keeping in touch with the lupus warriors
so I plan to train volunteers to help.
Applying for funding was challenging, but a friend helped us secure National Lottery funding for a 2025 programme. Keeping up with admin for both companies is also tough, but I’m learning to streamline processes with the help of business mentors.
Rewards in the business?
Helping others understand and manage lupus, raising awareness, and reducing
isolation in a culturally balanced way brings me immense joy.
Best advice given to regarding your
business that you took on board?
Ask for help, believe in your vision, and rest when needed

Contact information
www.chillaxations.com www.lupushub.org
instagram @lupushub_ @chillaxationsltd
FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/Chillaxationsltd www.facebook.com/thelupushub