Health, Beauty and Wellbeing

Barefoot Bliss: Crafting Your Own Natural Foot Scrub

by Diannia

Combine 1 cup of Epsom salt with 1/2 cup of granulated sugar.
Gradually mix in a carrier oil (coconut or olive oil) to achieve a wet, sandy texture.
Add a few drops of essential oils
(peppermint or lemon) for fragrance and additional benefits.

Soak feet in warm water to soften the skin before application.
Apply the scrub in a circular motion, focusing on rough areas.

Rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizer to keep feet soft.
Adjust the recipe based on personal preference and skin sensitivity.

Tips for Best Results
• Use high-quality, natural ingredients for a more effective scrub.
• Customise the essential oils used based

on the desired effect (e.g., lavender for
• Perform a patch test to ensure no allergic reactions to the ingredients.
• Use the scrub 1-2 times a week for maintained softness and exfoliation.
• Store any leftover scrub in an airtight container for future use.

Benefits of a Natural Foot Scrub
• Exfoliates dead skin cells, revealing smoother skin.
• Enhances relaxation and can reduce stress.
• Improves blood circulation in the feet.
• Natural ingredients are less likely to cause irritation compared to chemical
based products.
• Can be customised to individual skin types and preferences.