Preparing the skin for Winter by Dianna
We all know that exposure to the wind and cold during the winter is one of the main factors that contributes to drying of the skin, which can lead to cracking, chapping and broken capillaries.
Cold blustery weather conditions also contribute to the skin becoming rough, flakey and dehydrated which in turn encourages the formation of wrinkles.
Don’t worry, you can quicky and easily combat the elements buy mixing and applying a simple face pack that will cleanse, brighten and tighten the skin once a week.
The recipe is suitable for all skin types and you can select a suitable essential oil from the list to personalize this mask recipe.
- 3 teaspoons (15mls) of live full-fat yogurt
- 1 teaspoon (5mls) of cold pressed almond
oil, olive oil or hazelnut oil - 1 drop of a suitable essential oil (except
sensitive skin): Select one oil from the
chart below: - ½ – 1teaspoon (5mls) of fine oatmeal
Mix the essential oil into the base oil, and
stir in the other ingredients to form a
Apply a thin layer to the face and neck
and leave on for 10-15 minutes, rinse off
with cool water. Moisturise as usual.