‘Conversations with my mother’ by Helen Currie
I’ve been running a small craft night local pubs located in Tottenham since 2011. I’d had my eldest son and my husband was concerned that I wasn’t getting out of the house enough and seeing people. I had several creative friends who were in similar positions, so I had the idea of meeting once a week and bring something to make.
Over the years this small group of women and men have supported each other through life’s challenges. Death met each of us at different times. We lost a beloved member of our group suddenly and had lost parents and others that we had loved. This group became a support in dark times that we hadn’t expected. A number of us also struggle with our well-being and at points this group was an emotional lifeline. Making gives us a purpose, and our friendship a bond deeper than we predicted.
In October 2021, I suddenly lost my mum to a late diagnosed pancreatic cancer. After her diagnosis we had a couple of weeks to say goodbye. A nurse on her ward told me to write down our conversation. On Boxing Day, I started to embroider them. This slow stitch project helped me to start facing this enormous loss. My craft group held me while I made them. I look forward to times when I can hold them too, as inevitable as this will be as a part of the circle of life.

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