Aging Well Guide
Ageing Well Resource Toolkit and Downloadable Guide

Working together with residents, the Older People’s Reference Group, and other representative groups, Haringey Council and the NHS have developed these Ageing Well webpages to support people aged 50+ who may be fit and well and want to know what they can do to look after themselves, but also for those who may have had a crisis like a fall or a visit to a hospital.
You can access the Resource here. This more in-depth Resource builds on the shorter, downloadable Ageing Well Guide which has lots of useful hints, tips and local contacts on ageing well.
The Haringey web resources bring together new and existing content across a wide number of themes and topics that older people and those working with older people have told us are important, in a more easily navigable way. The resource covers:
- Active mind: keeping your mind sharp, memory loss and dementia
- Active body: staying active, dealing with falls and support with taking medication
- Living well: diet and nutrition, skin care, foot care and continence and coping with change
- Staying connected: loneliness and bereavement, local amenities and being a carer
- Feeling safe and prepared: improving your home’s safety, assistive technology and equipment and housing options
- Getting better: returning home after hospital, feeling unwell and recovering after a crisis.
Each topic talks about:
- Things people may face as we get older and what to look out for
- Practical advice and ideas on looking after yourself.