70 Years of Windrush

The Spirt of Windrush Celebrating a Journey By James Beckles
The SS Windrush arrived at Tilbury Docks in England on 22nd June 1948, carrying over 500 passengers from the Caribbean, They were invited by Britain to assist with post-war reconstruction, The Spirt of Windrush- Celebrating a Journey, celebrated the pioneering Windrush generation that came to Britain.
The event also acknowledged the contribution of those who came from Africa and South America.
They have all helped to shape British social, cultural and political life. Let us inform and inspire people about the legacy of the Windrush pioneers, as well as aid ensuing generations appreciate the sacrifice and contribution of their parents and to understand how they can be part of handing on this rich and fascinating legacy to future generations.
Windrush Lessons Learned Review: independent review by Wendy Williams (accessible PDF)
Ref: ISBN 978-1-5286-1779-6, HC 93 2020-21PDF, 8.95MB, 276 pages