Room for Young People Inspiration Awards

Room for Young People Inspiration Awards
I’m delighted to announce that the Room for Young People Inspiration Awards will be taking place this year on 3 November, online and socially distanced, to celebrate the resilience, creativity and achievements of young people and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. .
It’s afantastic way to recognise residents and team members for their successes and the hard work they’ve put in to keep communities together, express their artistic side, work in an Advantaged Thinking way or inspire other people through these challenging times. This year, we have a ‘wild card’ award too, for those extra special actions that might not quite fit into other categories.
The categories are:
· Community Action Award: for young
people positively impacting on a community.
· Staying Healthy and Creative Award: for young
people or projects making positive use of the arts
or health-related activities.
· Strengths and Talents Award: for young
people people who
have demonstrated a strengths-based or Advantaged Thinking approach.
· Service Stars Award: for staff or volunteers who have inspired
· Outstanding Practice Award: for services leading the way
through their approach.
· Wild Card Award: any other example of inspiration suggested by
an organisation.
You can read more about the Room for Young People awards here,
and head here to nominate your young people and staff. Nominations are open
until 28 August.